We'll See How Long This Lasts…


Ask the GP

Filed under: — Miltor @ 2:45 pm

Welcome to a new segment here at We’ll See! It’s called Ask the GP! The GP in Ask the GP stands for General Public or General Populace. Now, we here at We’ll See know that there are important reasons why one should never give the GP a voice, a microphone, a podium, or any medium with which to express themsleves. This is because, statistically, at least 50% of us are idiots, and we’re all better off not hearing from them. However, I know that we have only the finest, most intelligent audience here at We’ll See.

Inspired by MissyG’s post here (Coffee Pot from Amityville), today’s useless poll is:

Coffee or Tea (or Neither!), and why, and what kind?

Personally, I enjoy a 32oz cup of freshly-brewed iced tea (from one Community tea bag and one flavored tea bag, such as Raspberry Royale or Earl Grey) every morning at work, and sometimes again in the afternoon.

And yourself?

Is It Not Nifty?

Filed under: — Miltor @ 2:24 pm

On the right, in my list of links, you can see a link named “Sluggy Freelance”. “Sluggy” is a daily online comic that I think everyone who claims the title of Geek should read.

It’s the story of a couple of friends, Riff and Torg, who are geeks themselves, their hot friend Zoe (not a geek), their pet ferret Kiki (sweet and naive), their kind-of-pet Bun-Bun (a homicidal lhasa-apso bunny who killed the Easter bunny and is warring with Santa and his crew of evil elf agents), and Aylee, their Alien secretary who eats people. Lots of pop-culture and nerdy stuff goes on. It’s lots of fun if you’re into sci-fi, fantasy, horror, gaming, demons, aliens, vampires, PCs, killer robot girls, time travel, X-files, Tomb Raider, etc…

Admittedly, I haven’t read it in a while, myself, and when I decided ot make it a link, I went to the page and was a little lost, not being up-to-date on what’s going on lately. I recommend you use the link, then using the pull-down menu directly beneath today’s strip, select BOOK1: Is It Not Nifty and hit GO. That will take you to the beginning of the strip, which is defintely the best place to join the adventure.

Read a few dozen. They go by quickly. If you’re like-minded, you’ll laugh your ass off. If not, hey, ask for your money back. Also, you go to hell! You go to hell and you die!

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