We'll See How Long This Lasts…


Great GOOGLEy-moogley!

Filed under: — Miltor @ 12:04 pm

It seems to me that Google just keeps spitting out Internet-y goodness at every turn. Even their beta versions of things seem great! They consistently produce utilities and apps that are resoundingly useful and well, just neato.

Who wouldn’t love Google Maps, Froogle, Google Language Tools, Google Gmail, and now Google Talk (new!)

I, for one, WELCOME our new Google Overlords!

Yeah, there are some who are wary and critical of Google. “Feh!” I say. Soon enough they will change their name to Cyberdyne Systems Corporation, but nobody will notice since they are too busy using those great Google apps. Then they’ll launch SkyNet, and none of us will be around to worry about it anymore, because the Terminators will arrive. (Los Angeles woman Sarah Connor could not be reached for comment.)

So, which is YOUR favorite Google feature/app?


Your Birthday Horror Stories

Filed under: — Miltor @ 8:58 am

Yeah, yeah, yeah, my birthday Curse sucks. Yada, yada, yada. What about yours? Is yours close to a major holiday and it, too, gets the royal up-the-pooter treatment? Or maybe the timing of the date is OK, but the way it was celebrated (or NOT!) bit the big donger? Post your stories, bitches, and moans here.

Also, please don’t forget to post your ideas for my party in the last post!

Check your email for invitations starting 02/21. By invite only.


Fantasy Casting Call: JCSuperstar

Filed under: — Miltor @ 10:00 pm

So, I don’t know how many of you know it or not, but I freakin’ LOVE Jesus Christ Superstar. Now, this does not mean I love all musicals. I find the majority of musicals ridiculous and artificial. Many good comedy skits have spoofed exactly what I’m talking about: out of nowhere, actors will break into song and choreographed dance as if that’s perfectly normal, then lapse back into spoken acting as if THAT’S perfectly normal, too. Buffy tVS:the musical did a good send-up of that, I feel, and that’s one of the reasons I like it so much, despite the lacking vocal skills of some of our favorite characters.

But JCS is different. It has no speaking, a la Opera. Hence, the term Rock Opera. All of our story comes in lyrical form and acting. Groovy.

My relationship with JCS began as soon as I could hear my brothers and sisters playing that classic, dark-brown-leather-look LP with the gold icon of the two conjoined angels:
jcsicon.jpg I have vivid memories of nabbing the keys to my brother’s bright blue Firebird and going out in the rain just so I could get in and pop-in the 8-track he had of the Original London Cast Recording. Murray Head, and later Carl Anderson shared Judas’ insanity with us in his opening lines “My mind is clearer, now.” So was mine, now that I could settle in and enjoy a good listening, skipping over Mary Magdelene’s “I Don’t Know How To Love Him”, watching the rain pelt the windshield. Throughout my childhood, no album spoke directly to me like that one did. Many years later, having no stage experience, when the opportunity drifted my way to actually BE IN a local staging of the show, I JUMPED at it! And, while I recognize that the show we all made ten years ago was strictly amateur, I will cherish it as if I had been on Broadway with my name in lights. I have made an effort to see every local production or presentation of it, ever since (Sebastian Bach sucked.). Privately, I long to play the role of Pilate, myself – it so fits my dramatic, agnostic personality.

One really geeky thing I do is to think up Dream Casts for the JCS movie I will make when I become a millionaire. It will be a fulfillment of a dream to see a movie starring Chris Cornell as Christ. He was born to play the role, IMO, as much as Ted Neely from the 1973 movie. I would direct the movie, and produce the music (with Lenny Kravitz’ help). Here are the rest of my cast picks:
JC – Chris Cornell – I’d pay good money just to hear him sing Gethsemane (I Only Want To Say)
Judas – ? I have never made this tough decision – after all, it’s really Judas’ play, and the singer should be strong and have great range
Mary Magdelene – Sarah McLachlan? Amy Lee?
Peter – somebody wholesome
Simon Zealotes – Lenny Kravitz
High Preist Caiphas – Marilyn Manson? somebody evil
Second Preist Annas – ? somebody weaselly
Pilate – David Bowie – hey, he already played it in Last Temptation of Christ, so perfect!
Herod – Fred Schneider from the B-52s

So, I put it to you the audience – who would you fill in the blanks with? Who would you re-cast, supplying a different singer?


Ask the GP

Filed under: — Miltor @ 2:45 pm

Welcome to a new segment here at We’ll See! It’s called Ask the GP! The GP in Ask the GP stands for General Public or General Populace. Now, we here at We’ll See know that there are important reasons why one should never give the GP a voice, a microphone, a podium, or any medium with which to express themsleves. This is because, statistically, at least 50% of us are idiots, and we’re all better off not hearing from them. However, I know that we have only the finest, most intelligent audience here at We’ll See.

Inspired by MissyG’s post here (Coffee Pot from Amityville), today’s useless poll is:

Coffee or Tea (or Neither!), and why, and what kind?

Personally, I enjoy a 32oz cup of freshly-brewed iced tea (from one Community tea bag and one flavored tea bag, such as Raspberry Royale or Earl Grey) every morning at work, and sometimes again in the afternoon.

And yourself?

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