We'll See How Long This Lasts…


Thanks. I truly mean it.

Filed under: — Miltor @ 8:06 pm

A year has passed since Katrina devastated the Life I knew. She took it without asking, with only a little warning, and left her mark for month upon month after. It was the worst misery I had ever been in, those first few days during and directly following the storm – I feared for Missy’s safety and then her life. Was she hurt or suffering injury? Was she safe from looters who might molest her? If she was still alive and well, how would I find her?

In one day I lost my home, most of my possessions, my job, and to top it off I couldn’t even know if I had lost the most important person in my life. My misery started well in advance of Aug29, though. That stubborn woman just would not come with me, when I begged her the morning before. So, I made the hardest decision I had ever made and saved myself.

I think we know all that, though. And we all know that Missy and I are fine and living in Austin, now, somewhat lighter in the way of property… which brings me to the real purpose of my post. This is about me saying thanks to those that helped before, during, and after. I’m going to make an effort to recall and express gratitude to all those who gave us funds (which I will mostly decline to list, here), furniture, time, and love. If you helped us and I fail to mention you, let me apologize in advance. It is my intention to note everyone, but my memory may be faded or unclear. I welcome any corrections one might offer.

Adam, Colin, Greg, Matt
For giving what information you could and pulling for me to keep my income. For being the reason I even wanted to go back to that place.

Snap, Laila’s mom, and Laila
For your over-the-phone navigation help during my evacuation to Lafayette – I might have made it without you, but it would have taken even longer than the nine hours it did. Thank you for being a beacon of the Familiar in Lafayette, and for your emotional support in the middle of a mall far, far from my woman crying on my phone asking when it would stop.

Matthew, Jessica, Taylor, and Camille
For opening your home to first me, then to Missy, and our special needs cat. You fed us, you gave up rooms for us, you were patient despite being besieged with a dozen people and animals that otherwise disrupted your daily lives. You did more than shelter us – you helped on all fronts. You reminded me Family is not always a four letter word. EVERY one of you is generous and loving and I will not soon forget it. You are welcome with us anytime.

Maria and Donald, Luke, Laura
For struggling with us through it all. For picking up my washer and bringing it to Lafayette for us to use. For offering to loan me big money in my time of financial need – I declined, but it was so reassuring to know the offer was open. For helping rescue things out of our apartment, and for making the drive into town to do it, in the wee hours. For giving me the opportunity to remember to be charitable.

Melissa and Dusti
For loving me and Missy so much you did everything you could to call her and convince her to get out of Harm’s Way. For being there for me on the phone when you yourselves were anxious and panicked.

Red Cross
For your generous check for us in Florida, and for our hotel stay in Orlando. Bless you.

Colonial Bank Manager guy
Who, upon hearing my story and watching me go on trying to smile while I worked hundreds of miles away from my recently missing girlfriend, both of us hundreds of miles from our destroyed home, gifted me $75 to help us with “whatever you may need – take her to a good dinner”.

Nicole, Debbie, Jodie, Marietta
For taking care of Missy in Orlando while I had to traipse all over the damned state.

For your emotional support. For your donations of bed, end tables, water cooler, magazine rack, and work pants fund. For sheltering and feeding Missy and Prissy and me upon our return from Florida. For being there in Metairie for us while we tried to quickly get our lives back on track.

Gary Jr.
For rescuing my monitor. For being the best scout we could hope for while we were away in Florida. For supporting your mother emotionally and doing whatever you could during the month after the crisis. You deserve much respect.

Gary Sr.
For taking care of after-storm problems and clean-up for Shirley. You didn’t have to lift a finger for your ex-wife and son, but you did, anyway. You deserve respect for that, as well.

Siemmens guy at the Red Cross center in Orlando
For giving me your card and telling me to look you up if I decided to settle in Orlando.

For a pimp fabulous TV, our main entertainment on low budgets. For patiently storing Missy’s (and my) stuff once we could rescue it from the molding hell-hole that was our home. For letting us stay with you – a hard floor with pillows was better than no place to sleep at all. And, as you know, the floor was softer in some places than others! ; )

Kristi and Woody
For a coffee table that serves as a neat TV stand. For tools and supplies. For a CD/DVD rack we shamefully haven’t unpacked our media onto, yet. For solace in a time of uncertainty – you were both steady and unflappable.

For understanding that with as little time as we had left in that broken-down, beaten-dog of a town we could not make the time to see everyone before we left “for good.” Sorry I missed you, my brother.

Michael and Rhonda, Heather and Gonzo
For trying to locate Missy, for letting us share your apartment (twice!), for searching for apartments for us, for helping us move, for scouting out Austin for us, for sharing your West Coast Care Package. For being our social circle we can depend on in a town full of strangers. For showing us Freddie’s, the Alamo, and a dozen other AusTex places. For pointing us to the Apartment Locator that helped us find Camden. You are not the only reason we came here, but I sure am glad you are here with us. Much like Family and siblings, we quarrel. But you are that: Family. And Chosen Family at that.

For talking on the phone while I had to drag my ass all over Florida for a month. For joining us in moving. For driving the truck. For plates. For opening up to Missy and me and getting to know us better. I said it before – of all of us that left NOLA, you had the LEAST need/reason to do so, but I am glad you did. You and the Kids should come around more.

Camille and Nick
For your offer to let us stay with you. For constant reassurance that everything would be OK if we up-rooted to Austin.

Dawn and Andy and the West Coast Crew
For computer desks, flatware, and anything else your crew rushed out to share with the Austin refugees.

Darron G.
For even considering hiring me without a degree. For hiring me for one of the best jobs I have had. You and this job have had a great positive impact on my new-to-Austin experience, and I am glad to know you and work for you.

Last, but never least, thank you to:
People see us fight and squabble so often, I wonder if they really know how much I truly care for you and enjoy your companionship and love. We fought over and over about when to bolt from NOLA to Austin, but I knew that I was going to be wherever you are, no matter what. Katrina was so hard on you. Thank you for making it through, and doing whatever it took to reunite with me. Thank you for supporting me during the times I felt I had fallen down a well. For staying strong enough to make it through all the difficulty, hardship, and bullshit. And for pushing hard to get us to our new lives, here. I love you deeply.

Have I left anything or anyone out? Probably. Rest assured, it was unintentional. Drop me a comment and I will be sure to update the post and sing your praises.


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