We'll See How Long This Lasts…


Ask the GP

Filed under: — Miltor @ 2:45 pm

Welcome to a new segment here at We’ll See! It’s called Ask the GP! The GP in Ask the GP stands for General Public or General Populace. Now, we here at We’ll See know that there are important reasons why one should never give the GP a voice, a microphone, a podium, or any medium with which to express themsleves. This is because, statistically, at least 50% of us are idiots, and we’re all better off not hearing from them. However, I know that we have only the finest, most intelligent audience here at We’ll See.

Inspired by MissyG’s post here (Coffee Pot from Amityville), today’s useless poll is:

Coffee or Tea (or Neither!), and why, and what kind?

Personally, I enjoy a 32oz cup of freshly-brewed iced tea (from one Community tea bag and one flavored tea bag, such as Raspberry Royale or Earl Grey) every morning at work, and sometimes again in the afternoon.

And yourself?

20 Responses to “Ask the GP”

  1. slinky Says:

    fuck em both i’ll have a beer.

  2. GP Says:

    I like tatters
    mashed tatters baked tatters tot tatters fried tatters

  3. Lady Says:

    I am more of a tea person, but tend to find myself drinking coffee in the office because it is more readily available. I mean there is almost always a fresh pot waiting to be poured into a cup, whereas I would have to steep the tea and sometimes there just isn’t enough time.

    When I do have the time though, I like to pull out one of my oriental tea pots, and make a fresh hot pot of tea. Usually some kind of spiced tea, but any kind is fine as long as it’s hot. I vary between sweetners, i.e. honey, sugar, splenda etc., and vary between the choice of cream or lemon.

    Tea variety is my spice of life! 🙂

  4. GonzO Says:


    Mostly for the caffeinenenenene.

    Seriously, though: I have an aversion to tea. It’s not that it tastes bad, per se, but that it always tastes thin. And, a relative of mine taught me a valuable lesson about tea.

    First, he asked me what tea was made of. After some semantic squabbling, it was agreed upon that tea was made up mostly of leaves sitting in water for a while.

    Next, he asked me what a swamp was made of. After some squabbling, it was generally agreed upon that a swamp was made of leaves sitting in water for a while, give or take the occational alligator turd.

    Even though most brands of tea are alligator turd free, this comparison still didn’t make tea sound very appealing.

    Coffee, on the other hand, is made from cherries. Which happen to be my favorite fruit, and one of my favorite foods of all time. Can’t go wrong with that, IMO.

  5. Missyg Says:

    Have you ever tried this coffee?
    I hear it tastes like butt.

  6. MiltoR Says:

    I would expect THIS COFFEE tastes likes butt.

  7. Missyg Says:

    That’s the coffee I was speaking of!

  8. MiltoR Says:

    My Bad. I didn’t mean to swipe your joke.

  9. Stuff Says:

    My Bad. I didn’t mean to swipe your joke.”

    Actually, I don’t think you did. It was more like a feeble “me too” on your part. Was that not what you were going for?

  10. toppled god Says:

    Actually, I don’t think you did.;

    There you go defending the joke-stealer. You, who won’t even let me finsh my own jokes.

  11. MiltoR Says:

    A feeble “me too”? Bite me, civit boy. She messed-up the link, but her text reminded me of the butt-coffee, so I made a comment with the right link. I offered to retroactively correct it all so that she got it right and my comment was never there, but I didn’t glitch the Matrix in time. It was like when some knucklehead says the wrong guess for the puzzle on Wheel of Fortune and gives it away to the guy on their left.

    Again, a warm heartfelt BITE ME.

    So, we still on for squash next Tuesday?

  12. Laila Says:

    I drink Dr.Pepper. All the time. Just Dr. Pepper.

  13. toppled god Says:

    Can I get that Rasberry Royale with cheese?

  14. Missyg Says:

    I like blended green tea lattes from the bubble tea place.
    But, my favorite green tea latte place closed. :’-(

  15. Shortbus Says:

    I’m gonna’ ride the fence on this (like I do on most things.) I LIKE BOTH! Are you surprised?

    Tea is soooo unbelievably good when it’s cold and you’re tired and you have the time to do nothing but relax and visit. Coffee is good when you’ve got shit to do and you need a kick. I use tea to relax and coffee to get going. Same coin. Why choose?

  16. P. Griffon Says:

    I like both…. as Missy knows, my tea is dark like coffee.. and super sweet…. but it’s the time factor in making it… so i usually just settle for coffee….. in many varieties of flavors ;-p

  17. Missyg Says:

    So you like your tea and coffee like your womans heart?

  18. P. Griffon Says:

    **insert witty comeback here** ….. damn.. i can’t think of anything… :-p

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