We'll See How Long This Lasts…


Crying While Eating

Filed under: — Miltor @ 4:12 pm

Many years ago, while home sick and channel surfing, I happened across a daytime soap – the specific show’s name now eludes me and has been lost to time and tide. Anyway, I stopped on the show because I saw a halfway cute girl – did I need a better reason than that? No. I still watch shows just because the actress is cute – shows I don’t even like.

So, this girl was just a LITTLE, TINY bit chubby in the cheeks (both) – maybe a size 12, and as I watched, it was clear her character was dramatically unhappy about this. However, the writers of the show wanted to showcase eating disorders, so this girly on the screen before me was hiding in her bedroom, grabbing the uneaten HALF of a Snickers candy bar from its hiding place under her pillow, and CRYING while she ate it, seemingly unable to stop the madness of binge-ing down HALF a candy bar.

That was one of the most hilarious things I had ever seen! Eating disorders are no laughing matter, and those affected may ruin their lives, which is very sad. However, the absurdity of their portrayal of girls’ self-image problems and weight issues was unreal and absurd to the point of HILARIOUS. Yeah, keep crying, baby! Nobody will EVER love a fat cow like you at a size 12. And that 1/2 Snikcers is going to plump you up so badly, no dreamy guy will even want to LOOK at you, much less marry you in the Dream Wedding you have been planning since you were five years old. Ridiculous!

So, after I started dating MissyG, I told her this story, which she thought was funny, too. And whenever I go to the kitchen (out of her line of sight) and grab a quick snack while staying in the kitchen (it’s a guy thing – that’s where the grub is, no plates are needed, no clean-up to follow), she now jokingly accuses me of hiding and eating and crying.

Well, here’s a website full of videos of folks eating while crying about various frustrations, each listed with their video link. Have a look! Hours (ok, really,minutes – the bit gets old after four or five of them) of fun await you and your QuickTime video player. I particularly enjoy the Reasons provided for why each of them is crying.

What’s your favorite? Do YOU cry while you eat? Oh, the humanity!

People keep adding new videos of their own to the site. My new favorite is Giacomo. It even has soundtrack music and more than one camera angle!


In the News

Filed under: — Miltor @ 12:56 pm

Just a random thought –

I’m tired of people I know turning up in the news for anything other than being the PowerBall winner. I would like to stop having bad things happen to people I know which are so bad they get to the news media.

Now, I’m sure all of you who are more closely affiliated with those who are negatively affected are thinking, “YOU’RE tired?!?…” Well, you know what I have to say to that? Only this:

Waa waa waa, blah blah holocaust, waa waa blah.



Filed under: — Miltor @ 10:20 am

Ok, so Laila made a quote Saturday night that I said was going to go on the Blog. In retrospect, it just isn’t as funny now as I thought it was then. Sad.

Instead, here is a goofy-assed picture of Laila for your enjoyment:

In Praise Of Adriano

Filed under: — Miltor @ 9:42 am

Recipient of this Post’s “In Praise of” award goes to Adriano. Adriano is a nice guy! He ALWAYS brings something yummy to every gathering he attends, and always has something nice to say. That’s cool.

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