We'll See How Long This Lasts…


New Category: “Overheard”

Filed under: — Miltor @ 10:44 am

We have a new segment we’d like to introduce the audience to, here on We’ll See. It’s called “Overheard” and it will feature some usually incomplete portion of an overheard conversation I found funny, odd, alarming, or just stupid. They may make no sense to you, but then, they probably will have made no sense to me either, which is why you will see them. All names and actual quotes will be altered to protect the blogger. I make no claims as to the entertainment value of these, except that they made ME laugh or arch an eyebrow. And, as usual, if you don’t like them, get your OWN damned blog and bitch about them on it. ; )

Overheard, today :
M1: Hey, who’s that baseball player with the really hot wife or girlfriend?
M2: I dunno.
M1: He players for the Dodgers
M2: Jose Garcia.
M1: Thanks!
A1: Who’s Jose Garcia?
M2: I dunno. That white guy baseball player with the hot girl.
A1: Jose Conseco?
M2: Garcia.
A1: There’s no white baseball player named, “Jose” on the Dodgers.
M2: I dunno. Black? White? Spanish. You’re a racist bastard.
A1: (Sarcastically) Yeah, maybe he was white but changed his name to sound all cool and Dominican!
M2: How about go f*&k yourself?

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