We'll See How Long This Lasts…


OK, Let’s try this again…

Filed under: — Miltor @ 10:05 pm

PENNY LANE – New Orleans BEST (only?) Beatles cover band
“Rock’N’Bowl BeaTlemania 2005 Show”

Friday, July 22 – 9:00PM until…

Rock ‘N Bowl
4133 S. Carollton Ave., New Orleans – corner of Tulane and Carrollton

Because they really put on a fun show, plus you can drink beer and bowl, if you like that sort of thing. And has your Uncle Milton ever let you down when it comes to a live band?

#### UPDATE!! ####
Due to lack of popular interest in paying $7/ea. to see Penny Lane (when they are usually FREE to see at other venues), this outing has been cancelled/post-poned.

We are going to see the Wedding Crashers at “Teh Clearview Palace”, 10:40pm showing. Snap, Lisa, Slinky and I saw this at a sneak preview (thanks, Lisa!) at almost peed ourselves laughing. I encourage you all to join us!

Blood Wine

Filed under: — Miltor @ 9:47 pm

Here is to ShortBus and Gonzo for inviting MissyG and me to Casa Garcia for apps and drinks. The conversation was lively and interesting, the Mexican pizza was unexpectedly large and delicious, and of course it never hurts to split TWO pitchers of Sangria with Gonzo. Damn, that blood wine was good, and I’m good and drunk.

Ole’, muthafarker! Ole’!

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