We'll See How Long This Lasts…


Your Birthday Horror Stories

Filed under: — Miltor @ 8:58 am

Yeah, yeah, yeah, my birthday Curse sucks. Yada, yada, yada. What about yours? Is yours close to a major holiday and it, too, gets the royal up-the-pooter treatment? Or maybe the timing of the date is OK, but the way it was celebrated (or NOT!) bit the big donger? Post your stories, bitches, and moans here.

Also, please don’t forget to post your ideas for my party in the last post!

Check your email for invitations starting 02/21. By invite only.

7 Responses to “Your Birthday Horror Stories”

  1. missyg Says:

    I didn’t get one.

  2. Lady Says:

    Hey! I didn’t get one either.

  3. MiltoR Says:

    Glad to see you bunch of LOSERS are just the fountain of ideas for the party.

    And, hey – anybody wondering what to get me, wonder no more!
    I love Gift Certificates to practically any restaurant or major coffee joint in town. Or Mr. Binky’s.

  4. MiltoR Says:

    Oh,and thanks for the participation with the birthday stories. Sheesh. I need a new set.

  5. Lady Says:

    Okay here’s my birthday story.

    I had a great-aunt named Pearl. She was the sister of my grandmother on my mother’s side. We would go to her house on the Westbank every Sunday for a family gathering, and she would cook the most wonderful meals. Of course, she never owned a microwave and didn’t know what instant anything was. Love and comfort flowed from her kitchen, and I spent many an afternoon playing with snails in her backyard.

    Anyway, as she got older it was harder for her to cook, so my Mom and Dad started cooking meals and we’d bring them over to her house. Eventually, Mom and Dad even convinced her to come to the East Bank to visit family. She came over once to my Aunt’s house, and she had a great time. So, the next time that she was going to get out of the house was to come and celebrate my birthday. I was looking forward to her being there and she was looking forward to coming. ( I think you know where this is going.)

    She never made it to my birthday, because she suffered a heart attach while getting ready to go. So I spent the whole day pretty much depressed, and then if someone did manage to cheer me I wound up feeling guilty because Aunt Pearl had died.

    Just when I though I could write that birthday off all together, my Mom pulled me to the side, and she said that she had debated on whether or not she was going to give me this, but Aunt Pearl would have wanted me to have it and she handed me a card. I cried as I read my birthday wishes, but somehow it made me feel better. It was like my Aunt reachd out just one last time to say I love you.

  6. MiltoR Says:

    Wow. Yes in god-damned-deedie! That got me a little “for-klempt”. That was a great story, and well written. I like your writing style, Rhonda.

  7. toppled god Says:

    She said Westbank. WOOHOO!!!

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