We'll See How Long This Lasts…



Filed under: — Miltor @ 7:15 am

I have Good News to report, but it’s not 100% official and confirmed, yet. But, I figured, why not PRE-post about it and, for those that don’t already know, build some level of suspense?

So, news to come soon!

P.S. It would behoove you people to at least pretend to care. Bastiches.

**** UPDATE ****
The news is that I got a new job. I was fortunate enough to interview for a Desktop Support position at a South Austin hospital, and I got the job. I start 8am Feb27. It’s not another in a long line of temp jobs, and it has benefits!! I hope I enjoy it – I met the rest of the crew and they seem like friendly people to work with. It’s right by the apartment, so I can continue going home for lunch, which I definitely enjoy. I truly hope it works out well. I have no reason to be apprehensive about it, but I guess I when you’ve been a temp as long as I have, the idea of getting the kind of permanent job I have been looking for years seems like it’s not real.

Anyway, I think it’ll be good. Either way, we’ll see… Wish me luck.

8 Responses to “Suspense…”

  1. toppled god Says:

    Hiya, Milt. COngrats on the good news and whatnot. I can’t wait to find out what it is. It’s like watching American Idol and I don’t know who America will vote for! Ooooh, I cait wait!

  2. Ghetto Says:

    I spent seven minutes trying to articulate my comment. Silly articulation.

  3. Ghetto Says:

    Congrats! Soon, Austin’ll be home to all of us.

  4. Camille (stingray) Says:

    Hey congrats, I’m glad you finally have a job!!! Guess what I hav a new job too!!!!!!! YAY!!! for us both.

  5. MiltoR Says:

    Yeah, Cami, I had heard about your parting of ways with Maritime. So, what, did you get sick of Cap’n E. saying, “Camille My Girl…” or did Mary-O piss you off?

  6. Stuff Says:

    Suspense over. Post something else, you slacker. Your public awaits.

  7. Miltor Says:

    To quote They Might be Giants, “You’re not the boss of me, now.”

    Also, piss right off.

  8. Cheerios Says:

    Congratulations. I know you must be very excited. Hope you are enjoying the job.

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