We'll See How Long This Lasts…


Dark times. Lighten up?

Filed under: — Miltor @ 8:17 am

From the complete lack of Comments on that last post of mine it looks like I bummed people out, freaked them out, or scared them away. Not that I was looking for it, but nobody even left an easy to say, “It’ll all be OK, Milton” comment. Wow. Sorry, folks.

I was stressing, BIG TIME (couldn’t tell, could you?). And it didn’t help that I felt most of life and time being out of my control. Rush here! Go there! Get that done! Do not pass Go! Do not collect $2000 (thanks, FEMA)! But you only have until X:00, because every business closes in the next hour!

I’m feeling stronger and more optimistic about our situation, (for) now.

I have regained perspective that while I am less fortunate than most around me (especially at my new temp job, where practically everyone had NO damage, or maybe some lost shingles or ruined sheds), there are HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS out there who have no work, no car, no home, no money, no family to take care of them, and no light at the end of their tunnel. And while we haven’t made it through to where we want to be, yet, I realize we are “blessed”. Heart-felt gratitude goes to every person who has helped us be as blessed as we are, including ourselves!

Here’s the thing – while I ain’t no wussy, I’ve never been Mr. Macho Manly-Man, either. I am the type of guy who seeks and relies on the psychological support of my circle of friends and family in times of crisis and doubt. This event has hit me about as hard as or harder than anything else that comes to mind. And while I am normally a reasonably happy, emotionally secure man, my current losses and situation have knocked me for a loop, something fierce. It’s perfectly normal to experience Fear and Insecurity in GOOD times, when they serve to fuel caution and good sense to keep us safe. In this Disaster, they have made a mad grab for power, and sometimes it’s all I can do to keep them at bay. And a few of those times I haven’t been able to. I am showing symptoms of emotional trauma. To add insult to injury, I didn’t go through events HALF as bad as MissyG, but she has worked past her trauma and I have not. I guess I experience it and work it out differently. Friends help. Venting helps. Being rooted, again, might help.

Good news helps, so I welcome ANY good news ANYBODY has about anything – even if you just want to tell me you saved a lot of money on car insurance!

Here’s some good news that my brain has finally allowed to sink-in, even though MissyG told me this stuff, already:
It is SUGGESTED by FEMA’s website and on the phone with them that FEMA may provide additional rent/repair assistance for up to 18 months. Well, hell! If that’s TRUE and DOES happen, there may be no better time for MissyG and me to try a new start in another city/state than now. If it’s NOT true, or that suddenly gets yanked, well, hell – we’ll have to figure something out. If attempts at getting Desktop Support work in Austin fail, does anybody have any recommendations for a lucrative career shift for me that won’t require either school time before or jail time after?

P.S. This bit is for you slackers out in Austin – one of you please get a damned job, will you? Criminy! How do you expect to have us come out there and have you support us watching soaps and eating bon-bons all day if none of you bring home the bacon? Chop-chop!

6 Responses to “Dark times. Lighten up?”

  1. GonzO Says:

    Working on that whole job thing.

    Craigslist.org and Dice both have a fuckton of Desktop support job openings. I saw a ton of them today, while I was applying to places.

    And I saved a lot of money on my car insurance.

  2. Stuff Says:

    I’ve said “It’ll all be OK, Milton” so many times over the phone that I thought that saying it in type would be a little impersonal. But, for the record: It’ll all be OK, Milton. Bad shit happens, fact of life (not fun, but true). It’s the tempest that allows you to appreciate the calm seas ahead, and the sturdy boat you sail upon.

    As for bumming or freaking people out, I give you the same advice I’ve given others: It’s your blog, fuck ’em if they’re uncomfortable reading what you write… especially if it comes from the heart. It’s not your job to provide what the people want, this is open-mic night and the audience is going to hear what the artist has to offer. That, and I don’t know if we folks are more than a little speechless than we were weirded out. Take it in stride, you’re being read, and by the people who love you… even if we have a hard time offering soothing sentiments. We’re tuned in and hanging on every word.

    That, and GonzO just save a lot of money on his car insurance.

  3. Lady Says:

    We will all be okay. The road may be a lil’ rocky, but we will all be walking tall again. Things have changed, there’s no doubt about it. They’ve changed in FUCKING GINORMOUS WAYS, and that can be scary. What helps make it not so scary is that we have each other.

    Also, I happen to know for a fact that by movin’ to Austin we saved a lot on car insurance. 🙂

  4. GHOTI Says:

    Thats all I have to say about that.

  5. Ian Says:

    Hey Milton hears some funny thing I just found this by googleing intern hates ants you were some wear on the pages 30 something I think like you said when ever you have a question ask your friend Google. well I’m glad to hear you are ok I did think about you. I also what to say thank you for all of throws Uncle Milton classes wile I was a intern it has helped me allot with gaining more respect with my classmates I teach and teachers I work with. Good new is the Patrick F. Taylor Science and Technology Academy School I made the image and imaged the 210 laptops for was so impressed that I am their network administrator now I’m on call and work their after school 3hrs everyday with 300 users a 2003 DC Server and a lotus notes Domino server witch is fun to learn and I like having the responsibility. Thanks agene for what you have thought me it will all be ok

  6. toppled god Says:

    It’s hard to get a job when you’re busy having so much fun. Seriously, on the way up here the other night, I was feeling more emo than usual. One of those ‘don’t talk to me, I’m just going to stew in my own depressioin for a bit’ and contemplated dropping Heather off and heading back “home”.

    But let me tell you: Austin rocks my knitted Mary Janes. (Heather tells me, by the way, that since I don’t actually have knitted Mary Janes, it really doesn’t work for me, but I’m hoping Ghetto knits me some with love from the Pully.) Point is, this place is NOLA if NOLA worked. Low crime, weird freaks everywhere, open, laid-back culture… everying a boy could dream of. And my god the food…

    It will be better when you get here. I promise.

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