We'll See How Long This Lasts…


Post-Katrina #2 – Weight and Loss

Filed under: — Miltor @ 8:58 am

So, unexpectedly, I lost about 10-12 pounds since Katrina hit!

It’s the new Katrina (C) Diet:
– cereal or a bagel for breakfast
– anxiety and uncertainty due to homelessness coupled with working through lunch to get the PCs you are rolling-out done so you can maybe get back to Orlando and not have to spend another damned night alone in a hotel 200 miles from your girlfriend, AGAIN
– and a sensible meal for dinner

Truthfully, food, one of my chiefest pleasures in Life, has lost a little bit of its appeal. I’m by no means eating just bread and water, but I’m just not as full-on excited about food as I used to be, ever since Katrina. Snap has expressed similar feelings, too. I’m sure that this is part of an overall depression due to our lives (as we knew them) being yanked away, stripped like a car in the Projects, and then returned to us. I am also sure that we will one day get back to feeling like we used to. I hope I can continue my weight loss success AND love food, again – tempering both to my advantage. It would be nice to be more slim, healthy, and fit, and still enjoy great meals and snacks.

Maybe MissyG and I can find a nice apartment complex that has its own exercise room for free! That would be good. Here’s to that!

3 Responses to “Post-Katrina #2 – Weight and Loss”

  1. GonzO Says:

    “I hope I can continue my weight loss success AND love food, again – tempering both to my advantage. It would be nice to be more slim, healthy, and fit, and still enjoy great meals and snacks.”

    Come to the dark side of the gym, whodi. I eat six times a day. Tell me THAT’S not a foodie’s wet dream. 😉

  2. Mensa Says:

    Yeah, I can vouch for that. Get on GonzO’s firness plan and you’ll eat three times as much as the biggest glutton you’ve ever heard of.

  3. Shortbus Says:

    Gonzo’s plan specifically is not fit for a foodie, but get creative with it, and you WILL be on your way.

    I myself have lost a few pounds, and yet, my clothes fit more tightly. Disappointing. I likely lost a whole bunch of muscle by sitting at computers and lying in hotel room beds and gained fat from all the junk food we ate. Ugh. Time to get on the plan, man. It’ll be easy here. There’s yummy healthy food EVERYWHERE! (And lots of yummy not-necessarily-healthy, too, FYI) Hooray for Austin, foodie paradise.

    Miss you guys and can’t wait to see you.

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