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PickleScoop would punch every bee in the face! a.k.a. This Guy hates BEES

Filed under: — Miltor @ 9:49 am

This happened at G-n-H’s move.

A weird looking bee (mostly black, but not a wasp or hornet) landed quietly on Pickle’s nipple, and proceeded to stay there way past Pickle’s tolerance for stinging insects on his titty. H then came out and soothingly communed with the bee, convincing it to move on its bee way. Good work, Hippy.

4 Responses to “PickleScoop would punch every bee in the face! a.k.a. This Guy hates BEES”

  1. Miltor Says:

    OK, H claims that she was soothing PICKLESCOOP, and not the bee. Yeah, because the bee was the one likely to get stung right on a super-cluster of nerves and get sent to the E.R. for an Epi-pen, right?

    F— bees.

  2. Shortbus Says:

    Dude. Bee didn’t want to commit suicide. Bee just wanted to check out Pickle’s shirt. Bee was calm to begin with, and was fine being brushed away. Bees just don’t go around killing themselves. There is no Depressed Persian Towtruck Bee.

  3. GHOTI Says:

    oxoxov – I saw that same bee today. It was bouncing off the side of a ship. I swear, it was the same bee.

  4. Shortbus Says:

    Bee gets around.

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