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Ants make this guy mad!

Filed under: — Miltor @ 12:55 pm

Today’s Overheard comment:

Intern S: You know when they say to look at something slow-moving that’s supposed to make you calm and stress-free? Yeah. That stuff just makes me MORE mad. It’s like, when are you gonna move?

ME: …

Intern S: Yeah, and you know ants? They make me REAL mad.

ME: Ants? Ants make you mad?

Intern S: …(some explanation I don’t even begin to get…)

4 Responses to “Ants make this guy mad!”

  1. GonzO Says:

    Okay. That’s funny.

  2. MiltoR Says:

    For those wondering where the explanation drifted – it went something like this:

    Intern S: “Why would God create something that wouold move so slow? It’s like, they never get anywhere, and that makes me mad…”

    M: Get out. You have to get out, now.

  3. missyg Says:

    Is that Laila’s brother?
    They move slow but they can carry 50 times their body weight.
    Can your intern do that?
    Look, an ant cam.
    Obviously your intern has never seen Ritalin ants.
    Boy those suckas can move.

  4. MiltoR Says:

    Yeah, Ritalin ants (a.k.a. Sugar ants) are FUN to watch!

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