We'll See How Long This Lasts…



Filed under: — Miltor @ 2:01 pm

Despite a few pleasant cool fronts which made the typical New Orleans heat bearable, it has now officially become Summer, to my mind. For most of the folks who live north of the Mason-Dixon line that means a long-awaited joyous season of warm breezes, sunny days, baseball, picnics, and ice cream cones at the amusement park. They can finally come out from under the cold, snowy, white wonderland of Winter and enjoy the Great Outdoors! Yippee!


Here in the surrounded-by-water city of New Orleans that means about 120 days of heat and humidity that lay on you like a heavy, oppresive wet blanket that saps my strength (and missyG’s will to live). Our weather will be, for the most part, hot and wet. Our home air conditioners will run nealry 24-hours a day in and effort to get the inside temperature down to cool, not making it to cold. Our car A/Cs might provide satisfactory climate control, but only after running for more than 15 minutes – to think, up north that item is OPTIONAL in a car. It will rain for about 20 minutes almost every afternoon, more afternoons than not, making the ground and grass yucky. And don’t even get me started on the hurricanes! Ugh.

Yeah, I will go to the occasional, and exceptional, outside party. That will be mainly out of love for the party-givers, and for their good company. Other than that, for the next three months, the only time you will see me Outside is when I am going from Inside Point A to Inside Point B. And it’s likely to be the shortest damned route I can manage. I’ll be in a hurry to get back to my Natural Habitat – air conditioning.

Outside, I’m done with You. At least until God decides to come home from Summer vacation and turn the A/C back on – he thinks he’s saving money that way. See you at Doug’s, then.

6 Responses to “Sultry”

  1. missyg Says:

    F the Heat
    F the Sun
    F the humidity
    F the summer
    F people that just love summer and can’t wait to…blah blah blah shut the F up
    F hurricane season
    F strawberry seeds in my teeth
    F sweat rolling down my back
    F the fact that the down stairs bathroom is 15 degrees hotter than any other room
    F the person that messed up my driver’s-side mirror this morning
    F it all

  2. Duff Says:

    F is for Fun

  3. toppled god Says:

    Dude, somebody messed up your mirror, too? I think somebody at Raph’s part leaned on mine and broke it. That’s what I get for parking in the driveway.

    I didn’t notice till I got up to about 50 MPH and heard a strange whistling. Damn things’s cracked to shit.

  4. missyg Says:

    Thankfully my mirror was just repositioned (Probably by someones bastard child running around like a high monkey) and easy to fix.
    That sucks that your mirror is broken.

  5. Laila Says:

    Ralph? High monkey…that’s funny.

  6. missyg Says:

    And it’s hot to.

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