We'll See How Long This Lasts…



Filed under: — Miltor @ 10:20 am

Ok, so Laila made a quote Saturday night that I said was going to go on the Blog. In retrospect, it just isn’t as funny now as I thought it was then. Sad.

Instead, here is a goofy-assed picture of Laila for your enjoyment:

4 Responses to “Goofy.”

  1. missyg Says:

    okifuc: what I say when I realize there is no toilet paper in the bathroom.

    Are you referring to this one?
    “I always noticed there’s a big space between where my butt ends and where the toilet seat stops”

  2. MiltoR Says:

    Yeah. Not that funny.

    Not nearly as funny as that picture up there.

  3. Laila Says:

    The picture is damn funny. I should have been a fucking comedian.

  4. missyg Says:

    Goofy is what Goofy does

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