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Art with good taste

Filed under: — Miltor @ 4:46 pm

Here is a link to the art of latte foam art:
latte art


What do you think? Any favorites?

5 Responses to “Art with good taste”

  1. GonzO Says:

    The lion gets me every time.
    I want to drink that.

  2. Snap Says:

    Am I the only one who had trouble clicking on that link? I think it was protected by SEP or something.

    The only one I thought was of particular interest was the dog. The rest were stylish but all basically reminded me of the same thing: the part in someone’s hair.

  3. MiltoR Says:


    Ah, the butt cut, yes. Viva la Seventies!

  4. Laila Says:

    I liked the little lion. He was cute. My new found interest in coffee made that very exciting for me.

  5. GonzO Says:

    “New found interest in coffee”?

    There’s a new convert out there, and *I* didn’t know about it?

    Welcome to the club.

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