We'll See How Long This Lasts…


Why is that MY problem?

Filed under: — Miltor @ 6:24 pm

OK, so after the Big Gonzo Move, today, I stopped into a gas/convenience store for some refreshment. While in line, I see in the candy bar area two new variants of Almond Joy, one with lime-flavored coconut, one with passion-fruit, with a sign over both letting me know I could get “2 for $1”. Knowing MissyG likes treats like this, I pick up one of each for her and place them on the counter.

Mr. Counter Worker scans my drink, BOOP. Then he scans the passion-fruit Almond Joy, BOOP. Then he scans the lime Almond Joy – …no boop. Again, and no boop. Oh, Jezie-Crezie, here comes bullshit.

Mr. CW – “That doesn’t ring up in the System, so I can’t sell it to you.”
Me – “OK, just ring up two passion-fruit and give me the lime.”
Mr. CW – “No. I can’t do that. It’s all tied to Inventory, so it would come up wrong. Sorry.”
Me – pointing, “Well, there’s the sign that says how much it is. Does that help?”
Mr. CW – “No, if it isn’t in the System I can’t ring it up, or the Inventory will be wrong.”

Look, I know it’s just a silly candy bar that, frankly, NOBODY really needs the calories from. But this story isn’t really about candy. It’s about retail incompetence and shitty service. Why is YOUR store’s correct inventory MY problem? If you don’t want to sell it, REMOVE it from my sight and take down the sign. If you do want to sell it, take my money, give me the product, and work out your item-not-found issues on your own time. If you’re a stupid grunt who works for minimum wage and you want to do no more than you have to, just take money for products on display and we can move on with our days, without aggravation, BY SELLING ME THE CANDY. If you’re a stupid grunt who hates your stupid job with its broken Inventory System, why not gladly mess up “The Man’s” Inventory, AND SELL ME THE CANDY? You know, if it’s not in the System, it can’t be in the Inventory, so there can be no Count to mess up, anyway.

In the end, all this ass-hat did was piss me off by choosing the most difficult path for both me and him. Ooo, he must feel flushed with power, now, having so vigorously defended Exxon’s Almond Joy stock from yet another attempt at purchase. I bet he must have had half-wood as I left scowling, having weilded his Right of Refusal over me. “First, that guy’s candy. Next, The WORLD!!!!!! Mu-hah-haaaah!!!!! Then I can move out of my Mom’s garage!”

Was it always like this?

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