We'll See How Long This Lasts…


Yeah? Well let’s take it up on MY blog.

Filed under: — Miltor @ 11:58 am

The following would not post for me as a comment on Dmentd’s blog, so it goes here. This follows after the tenth comment to the lively “The eBay days of summer. ” post.

I don’t mind if Mensa and ToppledGod correct and lambaste me, because I know that they are better than me in every way. They can’t help but try to make me more like them by showing me how much worse I am than them in front of my peers. My heroes!

I also don’t mind if GonzO, while trying to show me the error of my ways in a debate, implies that I should have reached the same conclusion he has by conceding, “Milton, you’re a pretty smart guy, so…”. I don’t mind because I know that someday, if he keeps saying that, I will evolve and come to understand his Truth.

I, myself, have been accused of being a nit-picker when it comes to grammar. I have taken that to heart and curtailed such behavior down to a minimum, and never in a confrontational way. Perhaps I give myself too much credit? If you think so, ask yourself when was the last time Milton corrected your language skills meanly, and with an audience. Hopefully your recollection will show great improvement in this area. If not, let’s talk NICELY about it. Many of our group correct each other. I’m trying to not do so in a demeaning way. If you think I’m not doing a good job, give it a second thought. If you still feel the same way about it, you have my permission to call me on it. And, if you’re not a dick about it, you just might help me see it your way.

And while I’m NOT on the subject… when did the Official Snap-Haters Club form, and where did you get such lovely newspapaer pirate hats to wear in your Treehouse? Can just anyone join, or must one already have a superior attitude when it comes to PC skills, job hunting, and sophistication in general? Christ on a Cracker!

(The previous statement was paid for by Campaign for a Snap-Friendly Environment, and is in no way endorsed, solicited, or pre-approved by Snappy J. Snapperson, Esq.)

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