We'll See How Long This Lasts…


“People of Earth, your attention, please!”

Filed under: — Miltor @ 8:14 am

The world is going to end on April 29th, and I definitely plan to have good seats to watch.

The film version of one of my all-time favorite novels EVER debuts this Friday, and I’m going to be there, really sassing where my towel is. I’d like as many of you who wish to join in this glorious event to do so for a 9pm-ish showing at the CLEARVIEW* AMC Palace theater. As of this writing showtimes and ticket-buying are unavailable at www.movietickets.com. However, we plan to keep checking back frequently until we can secure our own passes to “the best bang since The Big One” for a show in the nine-or-ten o’clock range. More specifics as they become available. So, all you hoopy froods stay tuned for more as it becomes available via the sub-ether news channel. And for the rest of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, the secret is to bang the rocks together, guys.

*Why Clearview and not Elmwood? I’m glad you asked. 1) Elmwood has seats that smush my fat ass and hips uncomfortably, making movie-going not as enjoyable as it could be – now if I could just figure a way to get a Barca-lounger in there, with one of those massage-backs, Elmwood would be great! or 2) “Uh, I just like it better” – which is the response I usually get when I ask folks “why Elmwood?” Whichever one you pick is fine.

UPDATE 04/26/2005 4pm
www.movietickets.com has opened showtimes and (I would assume) ticket buying for Friday the 29th.
There is a 7:45p showing at CLRVW and a 10:15. I am inclined to go to the 10:15, giving opportunity for everyone to get home from work, get themselves some grub, and slide on over the cinema. That way, some of the kiddies can get their movie-seeing in, and get out of our way, too. I’m going to buy my 10:15 tickets online tonight.

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